Large Instrumentals Selection
luke4pres is consistently updating our extensive catalog of premium rap beats to accommodate the increasing demand of today’s market. Our sounds are of a high quality to deliver top-notch beats to our clients. By offering a large instrumentals selection, artists can look forward to putting together a smooth soundtrack comprising one or more subgenres. To explore the titles found in our large instrumentals selection, check out the content in the following article.
About Our Large Instrumentals Selection
Our beat store at luke4pres consists of premium beats that can be purchased in bulk to enjoy amazing deals. When you purchase 2 beats, we offer an additional 1 beat at absolutely no charge. 2 additional beats are for you to enjoy for free when you purchase a total of 3 different beats. With a purchase of 4 beats will get you an additional 3 beats for free, and so on.
The range of genres and subgenres that we offer in our Beat Store is comprehensive to ensure every artist can gain easy access to the premium sounds they need to create a smooth recording. We have prepared the different genres in a well-organized manner so you are able to browse through the different tracks with ease. Our hip-hop beat catalog consists of exquisitely crafted tracks with the support of state-of-the-art technology.
To give the individual beat a listen, simply hover over each title, and click on the play icon found on the label cover. Once you have decided on your top picks, you can conveniently add each beat to your shopping cart and check out your orders for payment. There are also individual hyperlinks that you can share with your friends to seek their honest opinions on the quality of each beat before you make your choice.
How are Our Instrumentals Different from Others?
Our large instrumentals selection is constantly growing so you will not hear the same beats week after week. This is to provide our clients with ample choices to help them pick the perfect sound for their hits. Our prices are highly competitive without compromising on the quality of each beat. Each beat lease tier is comprised of a variety of file types. For exclusive rights, the purchased beat is taken off permanently from our collection and the buyer will be given the full rights to the instrumental.
Why Choose luke4pres Beats?
Designed to meet the diverse needs of the market, the beats produced by luke4pres span a wide spectrum of styles and subgenres. We aim to keep up with the growing demand of different music artists by producing up to 3 to 5 new beats every week. We never compromise on the quality of our beats even when we charge reasonable prices. luke4pres Beats has received more than a total of 1 million streams on Beatstars, placing us among the top producers in the industry, delivering exceptional sounds to rising and professional artists.
If you would like to find out more about our large selection of instrumentals and what we do at luke4pres, visit our beat store today!